सम्पूर्ण गतिविधीहरु

Election Committee Notice

Dear Members of NAConn community,

As per the Article X (1) and (2) of NAConn Bylaws, the joint meeting of Advisors and Executive Committee on April 21, 2013 has appointed a three member election committee for the purpose of selecting next executive committee.

Election Committee:

1.    Mr. Ramesh KC, Storrs

2.    Mr. Ashok Srivastava, Farmington

3.    Mr. Binod Pokhrel, West Hartford

The election will be held as per the following schedule:

Election Date                : Sunday, 26 May 2013

Polling Station             : 106 St Charles Street, West Hartford 06119

(NAConn Office)

Polling Time                 : 10:00 am – 5:00 pm

The election committee will start working immediately and will follow all the provisions of bylaws to conduct this election in fair and efficient manner.

I would like to request all members to provide their support to the committee.

Thank you,

Tejesh Bikram Malla