सम्पूर्ण गतिविधीहरु

Park Road Parade 2012

Dear members,

Once again the time has come to celebrate the diversity of people, business and culture in West Hartford. Please join us in the 15th Annual Park Road Parade 2012. It is an opportunity for Nepalese community to show off our rich heritage. We request all participants to wear traditional Nepali costumes and bring any folk musical instruments if possible.

For more information, please give a call to the contact persons below. Also read the ” Park Road Parade 2012 Participants Itinerary” provided by Renee B. McCue, public Relations Specialist Town of West Hartford.

Date: 10.06.2012
Time: The parade begins at 10:30 a.m., Participants should be in place no later than 9:30 a.m.
Place: Ringgold Street, West Hartford, 06119 (Division 2)

(Our line up location is on the south side of Park Road at the second largest tree east of the corner of Ringgold Street. Enter parade site head-on from Park Road.)

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Thank you,

Santosh Lamsal
President, NAConn

Contact Persons:

Laxmi Bajagain     860 559 4148
Santosh Lamsal     860 578 5727
Krishna Awasthi     860 597 9040
Rekha Gautam     860 655 4111
Romi Yonjan     860 967 8846